Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sino & Webs

Hello! Just a little simple one today, I'm afraid. Researching stuff for Dracula has taken most of my energy this week, what with figuring out dates and Vampic lore and other stuff. It's been fun, but I needed to give myself another freebie.

Two of my old spider characters, Sino the blind spider and her guardian Webs!

Maybe I should re-draw all my old spider dudes just for the heck of it. Including Fang, I'd say it would amount to just about 8 spiders - Fang, Webs, Contrary and her brother (which his name escapes me at the moment), Sino, Bumble, Raven, and the one old druid dude which I also forget his name... (although I think I named him after a tree of some sort)

Could be something fun to do while I work on this Dracula sequel thing for a bit... Nice and simple, fun, and doesn't require much creative juice!
Well, we'll see what my attention span decides to do. But it's nice to have a plan. :)

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