Saturday, August 17, 2019

Quincy & Jeffry, Vampire Hunters Extraordinaire!

Thought I might as well post this, to commemorate the more or less the beginning of this new project of mine. Even if I drew this about a week ago, but whatever...

SO. These fine lads are two of the main characters to this Dracula Sequel we've concocted. Quincy Harker (brave looking dude on the right) and Jeffry Morris (timid red-head to the left). Both of them are medical students at St. Barts Hospital in London.

Quincy J. A. Harker is the son of Jonathan and Mina Harker, two of the survivors from Dracula's shenanigans. Raised with the knowledge that Vampires and other fun things actually exist, he's the only non-vamp (besides Van Helsing) that notices when something seriously fishy is going on.. and then blames it on Vampires. Correctly.
He's about as dense as a brick wall (same as his father), but thankfully he got a little of his mother's brains. With any luck, he might use it during the book...

Meanwhile, from what I've decided for poor young Jeffrey, he comes from a struggling upper-class Irish family who have a tendency to end up becoming doctors. He's a hypochondriac, a bit of a clean freak, sensitive to anything harder than a slight tap on the forehead, and our resident damsel in distressed. Gets bit by like, three different Vampires. Maybe four, I haven't decided yet...

The story itself is set in 1919, one year after world war 1 (although that could change, this is only week 2 of working on this after all). Stuff is bad, but Quincy is optimistic at finally being let go to do medicine. He meets some people, finds out that there have been some weird things happening in the dorms and church grounds, and concludes that VAMPIRES must be the cause. He has a stake out and almost kills one of his teachers.
They did get the Vampire they were after, though, so no need to worry on that front!


I dunno how serious this project is going to be (compared to UV, OverKill, various stuff for my sister...), but I'm having fun with it!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'mma go and get something to eat now. You guys have a good night! :)

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