Saturday, March 14, 2020

PMD - Team Sweet

Hello again! Glad to see you all here again. 

I've uh... been busy this week. Distracted. Occupied with my thoughts.
I'll explain briefly.

Okay. So. After we got back from our Grandparent's place on Monday (we were dropping off my sister back to College... like you do), I started playing PMD DX for the first time, and didn't do anything else until I had finished the main story 3 days later. I had played all the other Mystery Dungeon games, expect Blue/Red Rescue team, so naturally I was pretty excited about it!

I had already decided I was going to play what the game chose for me the first time round, then replay it with the Pokemon of my own choosing. And I got Treecko. Which surprised (and irritated me) a little bit, because I don't... well...
I prefer fire types more. 
That's... the nicest way I can put it. 

I don't want to be mean to the grass type class - they have some pretty cool Pokemon in their ranks! And they're useful for taking care of those pesky Water and Ground types. And they can learn some pretty sweet moves! But I prefer them to be my partner. Not to actually be one. If that makes sense...

Well, anyway. I accepted my fate gracefully enough, and after a few minutes hesitation, picked Torchic as my buddy - bringing back an old partner from a previous PMD game. I figured I'd tag-team her a lot if I didn't like how my 'character' played. 

But it turns out I didn't need to that much!

I had a lot of fun blasting foes from halfway across the room with Dragon Pulse and slamming them in the face with Iron Tail! Haha, I had no idea Treecko's could have so many ridiculously powerful moves right out the gate! It was awesome! Breezed through the first few bosses, only coming into trouble with the volcano levels and stuff... But playing all the other Mystery Dungeon games had prepared me well. Got through them all without having to restart a level once. :)

And now that I've finished the main story, I've been having a lot of thoughts about these two... Rewriting their story to make things more interesting and personal. More conflict. Character development.
... Dunno what to do with it all, though.

*Shrugs* Eh. Guess I don't have to do anything with it. It's fun. And it's for me.
But it would be pretty cool if I could make it into something...

*Waves you all off and turns on PMD DX again*

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