Saturday, March 21, 2020

Worth It

This week has just felt like a whole lotta Mondays to me, with the odd Sunday thrown in for variant flavor. I'm not sure how I felt about that, but it's... Wait, no. I still have to deal with this for a little bit longer. But then afterwards, on Tuesday, it should all be back to normal!

Normally I'd be pleased to have so many day offs, but I guess I wasn't in the right mental state to appreciate them this week... Ah well

 Drew a fair bit of UV, though. Despite my feelings.
Here's a quickie I drew this afternoon. :)

Midnight may be king of a small backwater town which only serves as a stopping point for adventurers, but that doesn't stop him from having fun sometimes!
And by fun, I mean throwing himself bodily off a cliff to avoid going to a council meeting of all the local kings under Richard's Rule.

He sent Reginald and Ruby in his place, though. Ruby was NOT happy with that, but she went anyway.
'Responsible', and all that.

But she made Harland force Midnight to stay indoors for the next two weeks. But of course Mid didn't mind.
.... Until Reginald dropped two tons of paperwork on top of him and cheerily suggested that, "WELLLL, since you're stuck in here for a wee bit, how about we get these sorted out, yea?"

Midnight had regrets. XD

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