Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Son

*Hums Viva la Vida as I quickly set this up so I can go have some dinner before 8*

If I had told myself 5 years ago that Midnight would look after a son, I'd be... incredulous. Like, "What? Midnight? Happy-go-lucky, never settle down, I'd rather DIE first, Midnight? THAT one? *long pause* ... Sure. If you say so." Haha... Character development, am I right?

This boy makes a surprising good parent. He'll deny it, believing himself to be that one uncle-figure who acts as a terrible influence... But when something really counts, he'll roll up his sleeves and try really hard. And I think Ruby knows this. 
She knows Midnight wont do a lot of things for himself, but when it's for someone else - maybe not anyone, but someone - he'll legit go to great lengths to make sure they're happy and have everything they need.

And Flavio really needed that. He needed Midnight.
... Maybe I should talk about the Castle Trio some time? Could be relevant. Might give you a better idea of who I'm talking about...
Eh. Later. :)

Enjoy your weekend, folks.

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