Saturday, July 18, 2020

Space Fish

 *Tap dances my way around an introduction, jazz handing my greetings, and dramatically pulls off a table cloth to reveal my new weekly art post*
*Cue spectacular music climax!*

Tried to make a hybrid of an old-school scuba diver with an astronaut. But because the background is more spacey than oceany, I think the scuba diver bit gets overshadowed a lot. But there are fish in here, so I suppose it's not all lost.

Overall, I think this picture took a little less than three hours to do? Which is impressive, because I remember when something half as complicated took twice as long to complete. Hm.

Definitely a sign of improvement if I ever saw one. :)


  1. I like the colors in the background and the glowing fish. Nice intro too, haha. :)

    1. Thank you! I was quite proud of that (both the intro and the picture) <3
