Saturday, July 25, 2020

Just a brisk morning

Hi! Fancy seeing you here! :)

(I was quite proud of this piece, so thought I'd reuse it on here.)

We were supposed to be at my Grandparents house this week (celebrating Nan's 80th birthday, I believe), but due to us all getting sick, we thought it best to postpone the journey until we weren't contagious anymore. So we're going tomorrow.

Still coughing up a lot of stuff, but no helping with that.
Looking forward to the nice long drive with nothing to do but daydream and think in anxiety-free bliss, though! :)


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear you're sick. :(

    I like how expressive you make your characters, with their faces and body language. :)

    1. Yeh, it sucked. But now that it's almost a week later, I'm not coughing up nearly as much stuff, and also my insomnia levels have dropped back down to normal. So that's a relief! :)

      Also ThankYouSoMuch! <3

    2. Glad to hear you're doing better. Of course! :')
