Saturday, December 19, 2020

Death and a Snake

If I could think of anything witty or nonsensical to say, I would. As it is, I'm still feeling like I've got too much going on in my head to bother with such things. Plus, I wish to get this over with so I can go and read something.

Also my brain is still being annoying, so we'll have to settle with a sketchy post instead of what I was originally hoping for tonight. But that's fine; pretty sure none of us care that much anyway. Plus, it's OverKill related! :)

Mortality is pretty fun to draw. Hard, but fun. I like drawing old patchy sweaters and big round glasses...
Definitely contrasts to Dr. Antidote's more formal appearance, anyway.

Also weird colourful eyes.


Yup. Guess it's just one of those days again.
I'll be catching you guys later! Gonna just quit for the day and try to relax.

Hope you all have a nice week! <3

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