This week has been an odd mix of activities for me. I got out of the house twice in two days (which is very social for me), watched two movies (also pretty weird for me) and spent a good amount of time doing odd house chores? But not much drawing.
So. On the one hand, it feels like my week has been packed. On the other hand, it feels like I've done next to nothing. No big drawing projects or a pile of fun sketches to show off... Practically nothing.
But if I tick off this week as a 'holiday from serious drawing' I think I can get away with it. *hopeful thumbs up*
But yeah.
Still didn't change the fact that I needed to draw something for my weekly art post.
But thankfully, as I was doing some drawing exercises on Friday, I drew something kinda sweet and thought "Huh. Ruby and Harland would be pretty fitting to draw in that position. But aw man, it's for human proportions..."
"I can still work with that..."
And about an hour or so later I had this on my hands.
My favorite penguin and kangaroo couple! But humanized! <3
I've never ever drawn any of the UV cast as humans before. Which sounds odd, but I guess it's something I'd never considered trying to do?
Mostly because my characters being animals play a huge part in the grand scheme of literally everything. Why it's such a big deal for Ruby to marry someone who's not one of her species; why having hybrid children can be amazing or terrible, depending on the parents or magic blood; why some magical species are going extinct because of inbreeding or mixing too much... etc etc.
But! I still think this is pretty neat. For what it's worth.
Obviously, if I was to draw them like this again, I'd want to fix/improve on some details... but that's not important.
I'm content with what I've created. It was a neat experiment. It brought my joy for a little while. :)
Best odd couple! <3