Saturday, February 13, 2021


Aaaand I'm back with another Pokemon sketch from my Archives! Yay.
I would've made something not pokemon if I could've... Really! I would've. I did try! And it ended with me being sad for a few minutes and then giving up and resuming drawing Team Magma.

I can't tell if I'm digging my own hole deeper every day, or if my hyper-focus ability is always being redirected to something similar but just different enough to keep my imagination chugging along happily so that it FEELS like I'll never draw anything but Pokemon ever again...

Who knows.
I'm not gonna let it upset me that much though. I am enjoying having an interest lasting for longer than a week or two. And I think I've gotten better at drawing human faces because of it.
Like... not useful? For UV? But still a skill that I've neglected over the years.

Anyway. Here's what I managed to draw yesterday.

I've never really paid much attention to Cyrus before (mostly because there were so many other Pokemon Villains I had my attention on) but he's been growing on me slowly over the past few weeks.

Giratina was my favorite legendary from Sinnoh, though (I love that good centipede dragon! <3) so when I made the decision to draw this sad nerd... - possessed? I'm gonna say possessed - possessed by Giratina it was a lot of fun.
And it was a whole lot easier than drawing Maxie!Groudon or Archie!Kyogre.

Love Maxie and Archie very much, but out of the three of them Cyrus was the easiest for me to draw.
He just hit all the right sweet spots... None of this wearing weird wetsuits or having three layers of clothing and LEGGINGS, Maxie. *pfft* Dork. :)

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