Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Boys

Guess who finally drew something that wasn't pokemon yesterday?
*bright neon sign flashing on and off above head*

It's me.
I was the one who finally drew something that wasn't pokemon.

 And even better, it's UV related!
I manage to draw some good boys with some good kids!
Overall, it's a good day in AppleTown. :)

It's times like this where I realize that most people are going to look at these characters (more specifically Harland and Vincent DeathDancer) and go "Oh! Look at these lovely green girls!" while I'm in the background snickering like "Yes, those dudes are indeed very lovely."
What started as a perfectly innocent joke when I was but a wee lass has turned into a perfectly innocent running joke which I love to bits.

I dunno. I just adore seeing guys in dresses and skirts.

Reginald is at least wearing a kilt. Very masculine. No mistaking him for female. (Probably)
Flavio is the only one who you don't immediately second-guess yourself on what gender he is.
Until he starts brainwashing you. Then you start doubting yourself! XD

The background was a bit of a surprise. Wasn't planning on doing that when I started drawing this. But I did.
Didn't turn out too bad, I think.

Anyway it's almost 8pm now so I gotta go.
Hope you guys have a nice weekend! May you end up being less stressed than you started!
*salutes myself out*


  1. I love everything about this piece! :D the outfits, the faces, the background especially the ground and clouds and the lighthouse...~ <3 Nice work, Applestorm.

    1. *ticks off Daily Dopamine dose for today*
      Not even spent an hour awake and my day is already off to a great start. *finger guns* Much appreciation, CPups. Your doing your country a great service. <3

    2. Hehe, your comment made me smile. Glad to hear it. :)
