Saturday, February 6, 2021

Screaming into the Air Conditioned Void

 Hello there! I have no idea how much time I have tonight, and because I completely forgot to prepare anything yesterday afternoon, I'm speed-running this just in case I have to be called away to do other things...

Basically tho, I hadn't really drawn anything impressive this week, so I'm doing what I predicted I was going to have to resort to last week...
Which is post another of the drawings I made last week.

But that's okay, I guess.
Could be worse. :)

 The only reason why I drew all of this was because I wanted someone to be screaming into an electric fan. Because the way your voice distorts when you do that is a lot of fun, and seemed like something Maxie's Jigglypuff would love to do.

Love that little heavy-singing puffball. 

Also drawing windy hair is a lot of fun. Need more practice doing it, definitely, but I think it's a cute look on Courtney.
Pasta's lil' blep tongue brought me joy too...