Saturday, September 18, 2021

The DeathDancer Kids

I ain't got much to say, except How're ya doin' on this fine day!
And then we'll all leave because life's busy and you have things to do.
But that's okay, because this is just a pit-stop making you take a break before you do something more important.

As it should be.

 September is the month that makes me think of my kids, and the children of my kids. So that's why we have some little DeathDancer's on the scene today.

Their colours make me very happy on the inside. Alexis looks like her mother (but slightly pinker), Vincent takes after his father (except more fluffy), and Aeron is a throwback to his uncles, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather.
I mean, apart from the penguin genetics of course. But that goes without saying.


  1. I love the kids <3 looking at your drawing of them makes me happy too :)

    1. Yeeeah~ Good adorable Freaks of Nature, the lot of them. <3 <3 <3
