Saturday, October 23, 2021

Rain and Acid

Another week away from the laptop brings me a little bit closer to feeling up to the tasks that challenge me every day. But I'm gonna need some more time alone before I can pick up my drawing tablet and start working again for real.

That's okay though.
When Christmas rolls around I'll have all the time in the world to do what I need to.
It's cool.

Enjoy a rough sketch of my Phossy boy in the meantime.
Have a nice weekend, guys. Hope you're all doin' your best, and if that best just happens to be not very good (like mine) then know it's only your best today and your best tomorrow might be better.


  1. Phossy boy!~

    Wow, I haven’t checked here in a while. Again. I feel pleasantly surprised to see new posts from you every week. I always appreciate reading your posts and seeing your art. And your last paragraph- <3. My “best” for a while now has been feeling far from what should be my best. It doesn’t feel good enough. So, well, thank you for writing that message at the end.

    1. Ha, looks like we've been going through a similar mood. *fistbump* Good to know I'm not the only one. And I'm happy to give you a ray of sun in a pretty gloomy period.
      Hope your best improves from now on, but even if it doesn't just know you are more than the total sum of all your achievements and failures. You're no more or less pathetic than me. You're human. And I know you're doing great, even if you really don't feel like it's true. <3
