Saturday, February 5, 2022

An Otter called Dragon (and other friends!)

 I have literally done nothing but play the new Pokemon Arceus Legends since the moment I arrived home on Wednesday.
I might be a little obsessed. But that's good. My imagination has been thirsting for something new to think over, and THIS is giving me it in such quantities I might actually have to write some of it down. Maybe. :)

But because I've been doing nothing but play that new video game, I haven't drawn much. But that's okay! I had time this afternoon, and I'm pretty happy how some of them came out.

I love my Dragon boy so much. He's a little sassy otter lad who just wants to fight, and I adore him!
He grew up so handsome. Haha, I wasn't expecting him to have a Hisui form, but I was delighted to see it! And he gained my favorite typing ever, so of COURSE I was excited! XD
If I can pry myself away from the game for long enough, I should definitely doodle all my pokemon children. Among other things. Ah, but that's something to do another time.

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