Saturday, November 12, 2022


 *Deep and intense sigh of relief* glad that week I had was better than the last one. Still feeling anxiety and tiredness, but the anxiety is the normal cycle I'm used to and the tiredness is deserved because I've been drawing a lot (and enjoying every second of it too)

Joy's doing better too.
Can't believe they were falling apart not even 2 weeks ago... memory is fickle, but good thing I've made records, so maybe I can use my new experiences as fun anecdotes one day.


Anyway!  Even if these are just sketches, they made me really happy to draw and I'm actually proud of how fluid they feel to me.
The simple colors and shading pleases me a lot too- low effort, but I kinda dig it honestly <3

Hope you guys are doing well on whatever end your on. I'll see you again next week, and I wish you the best on whatever quest and trivial trials you're on.

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