Saturday, November 19, 2022

"What do you mean tomatoes aren't supposed to stab you like this"

Howdy everyone! Nice to see you all here again this week.
I could talk about  a few things I did during the last few days, but honestly the most interesting thing I did was finding out I've been allergic to tomatoes for most of my life and didn't realize it until someone said "and if you ever eat something that makes your mouth numb or tingly, it's probably an allergic reaction!" XD

Okay, so 'allergy' is probably an overreaction XD I don't get sick when I eat tomatoes, and the worst thing that happens to me is my tongue feels like a pincushion, but I'm still amused that it took me this long to figure out I had an allergy to one of my favorite savory fruits

And to make things even better, I made a quick comic about this truly riveting and exciting discovery (and I'm not even being sarcastic about it! XD)

I'm now hyper aware of this new thing that's in my life, but I expect the novelty will wear off after a little while.
Until then I'm still chuckling at myself because good grief it's very funny learning this kind of thing about yourself, and it WOULD take me this long to figure out something so obvious and I love it

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