Saturday, November 5, 2022

Assuaging the Unyielding

 Cool. That was a week I just went through.
Somehow I got through it all though, and I'm... actually kinda glad all of the bad stuff happened to me. Well, not bad per se. Just super uncomfortable and I wanted it to stop. But there was a lot of good things that came from the uncomfortable feelings, and I'm grateful for them all.
okay, maybe not all of them, but hey! Character development is character development, amiright? I can't be fussy how I grow as a person XD

 Or, I guess I should say I shouldn't be fussy how my Joy gets character development. But it's more or less the same thing in the long run.
My stubbornness to be cheerful and look at everything in the best possible light can be admirable, but when I'm ignoring reality and pretending I'm not dying on the inside it becomes a destructive habit I don't have the strength to break. Or something like that, anyway.
This isn't a new problem for me, but it's one I think I'm finally coming to terms with.

I'll watch with interest and see how I (and my emotions) keep developing.

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