Saturday, January 7, 2023

Master of Ice, Slicing and Dicing

Wow. That was the longest first week of a new year I think I've ever experienced. Feels like 2 months should've passed, so you can imagine my incredulity at finding out it's only been seven days. ONLY seven days.
Time blindness is truly a magical experience.

Like, take this picture! I was not aware I drew this on Sunday. Completely and totally forgot I made this a few days ago (instead of ages go like I emotionally believed) and I'm not quite sure what to do with this information except internally scream because wHAT do you MEAN I made this on Sunday-!?

ANYWAY. The Ninjago obsession is still going strong, and it's gaining speed.
Don't ask me when I'm going to be free. No one knows that information. Not even me.

And thus ends the first seven days of 2023. With me being mildly alarmed and doing what I do most; make art with no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going. And the next week will likely be similar, but only one way to find out!!
See you guys until then! PEACE!

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