Saturday, July 15, 2023

Fairy characters from a story that hasn't even been named yet BUT HERE WE GO ANYWAY-

 *thunks head against wall*

I thought the D&D inspired story using all my Inside Out emotions was bad enough, but noooooo my brain decided that it wanted FAIRY versions of all my emotions next.

And now I've got a fantasy post-apocalyptic story about fairies disappearing and freaking out about magic dying or whatever. Just what I needed.

AND WORSE YET I've even started making character designs for some of these nerds based on the vibes I've had less than a week dwelling with! What is this rubbish??

Seriously tho, I am enjoying myself way too much and you have no idea how much fun it is drawing little people with wings in the most pastel and softest colors I can imagine. And I might even have a plot for this story (thanks to my dearly beloved twin)

I'mma go write it down before I forget cuz good grief the vibes compel me so much and I'm not certain I'm about to derail all my other art projects and chase down this one instead.
We'll see.

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