Saturday, July 23, 2016

Another drawing

Well... Surprisenly, I didn't actually do anything creative (besides working on FP) this week, so here's something I sorta did last week...

Just another experiment with furries, I guess. And I'm still mystified on how on earth people manage to do shadows...


  1. Apple, I envy how you can ALWAYS come up with something on time.

    For some reason, I'm not managing to draw like usual since yesterday (drawing block, I guess?) and certainly haven't been drawing as much. The sketches just don't come out normally! I'm trying again today, though. Wish me good luck -.- Otherwise, I guess I'll have to spend my weekend doing something else... (which isn't a particularly bad thing either, hehe)

    1. Not always, but mostly enough so when I actually can't give you guys anything, you assume I really couldn't on that day. (And luck has been granted to you <3)

      And I get what you mean with the 'drawing block' thing. Sometimes my brain refuses to do what I want, so I can't even do simple sketches without giving up in a rage because I don't like it (... You get the idea).

  2. Cute! Though the right side of the shirt (on their side) and their left foot look rather awkward, in my opinion.

  3. I wasn't planning to show this in the first place, so I kinda lacked in the quality of the picture... thanks for the criticism, anyway! :)

  4. You just kinda do an outer outline of certain parts of the drawing, like hair, clothes, neck, etc.
