Saturday, July 9, 2016

Being alone isn't always bad

Hello! You'll be slightly glad to hear that the next page of Fraener's Past will be uploaded tomorrow night! I manged to get the next four pages done, so I should be back on track... Hopefully.


... I had fun with the magic aura.


  1. ...Oh... Huh... Um... Hehe. No comment, mainly because I'm not really a fan of stitched... bodies O_O But good job, I guess. It's... well, got the effect in it. (I personally prefer something more brightly coloured and adorable, but that's just subjective.)

    Yay for FP! I've been waiting the whole week. Can't wait for tomorrow.

    PS: Just curious, how long does it usually take you to finish a page, or whatever different parts you divide your story into? 'Cos I don't have a fixed amount of time I take to finish exactly a page, but I usually take two weeks to finish a part of a chapter(more or less 11 pages). This time I took exactly two weeks. Shading at the end is boring.

    1. I guess it depends... Sometimes I can be really productive, other days I can hardly get anything done and give up in a rage and wait for my brain to cooperate.

      I usually start with rough sketches and dialog, then I outline everything, add colour and background and finally actual text. If it's a really good day, I can get two pages done.

      ... I'm not 100% sure that answered your question, but good enough. Also, can't wait for the next part DetE to be posted! :)

    2. It's just been posted. Good night :)

  2. That shirt is adorable :3

    Anyways, I like the physics that you gave the clothes. The hair sorta ends up at a point, unless you just had a shower I don't think loose hair really does that. Unless this is just your style of art.

    That's it. Oh yeah, and do you use skeleton-like things to sketch out the base of your character? You know, like a circle and a few sticks connected with other circle joints. And the lines across the face. Do you think you could show us an example of one of those? Unless you don't use them.

    I guess just use a variety of sizes, like fat. Yeah. You need to experiment with sizes in order to become a good artist.

    1. Yeah. With this picture, I just experimented with body shapes and stuff... Mostly the arms, hands, and hair I guess (I still have difficulty drawing them, so I forced myself to practice).

      And I guess you could say I form a 'skeletal' sketch... Well, with the face I usually do (It helps me locate where the eyes are), but mostly I make it up as I go. Maybe I'll show an example of this one day, but until then, I'm just giving you guys the result! :)

    2. They're all just so skinny.

    3. I like my drawings that way! <3
