Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fraener's Past (APS) Pg16


*Bangs head against wall*

I. Hate. Drawing. Wings.


  1. Is this like Pokemon? Where different types are "super effective" against others?

    Unfortunately I don't think fire and electric are strong/weak against eachother but may that's not fire or electric.

    Fraener uses Mean Look (or something)
    Wayra can't escape!
    Wayra tried to flee!
    Can't escape!
    Freaner uses Ember!/[insert decent fire move here]
    It's a critical hit!
    Wayra is inflicted with burn?
    Wayra uses Hydro Pump!
    It's super effective!
    Perhaps Freaner's ability comes to use?

    1. If this was something like pokemon, I'd have probably just come up with a type chart of super and not very effective moves for you guys. But as it is, Fraener and Wayra just do 'neutral damage' to each other.

      Although I like the battle scenario you made for them! :)

  2. Now a little bit of critisicm. I'm pretty sure Wayra is a "Cracklar" so like, electric.

    Wayra's blast looks more water to me. Hence the move, Hydro Pump. I don't know if this was done on purpose or not but just putting it out there.

    1. Simple explanation. I forgot to add spark effects, and I was too lazy to fix it when I realized my mistake, so I thank you for noticing!

  3. Hi ^-^ Thanks for granting me luck with my drawing last time. It's not back to normal yet, but I guess it'll go away with time. I just took a break from it.

    BTW, is Fraener's arm a little too long from the first picture? It looks like one and a half of the usual length joined together (at least to me, maybe it's just me, because I usually measure my characters' arm lengths from their elbows in order to avoid going wrong.)

    1. Yeah... I'm still having troubles with body shapes 'n stuff. I'm getting slightly better, but not fast enough for my taste. (And I usually just go with what my gut tells me. I hardly ever measure how long or wide something is, because I usually just get mixed up)

      ... But compared to the first page of this comic, I have been improving!
