Saturday, August 13, 2016

Camera Fun

Hey, guys. For those that noticed, yes, this is a little later then usual, but I did manage to get this up on the exact date!

... I really couldn't decide what I wanted to do with the background, so some of you may or may not find it emptier then usual.


  1. Hallo.

    I was wondering if it was just me again or if Sapphy was supposed to give off a tomboyish feel as well? Because (to me) she seems more boyish than the yellow one... hehe. Also, I noticed that the yellow one(Who may he be?) has horns?

    ...And no, I don't find it emptier than usual. In fact, you actually placed detail on the background signs ^.^

    However, I was thinking, what happened to the character pages since some time ago? At first, I thought it was a glitch on my device... is it? Thanks :D

    P.S. Good work on the yellow one :) It's greatly proportioned ^-^ But Sapphy (do you mind me calling her that? If so, I'll stick to calling her Sapphire. I just found "Sapphy" cuter.)seems to have too big of a head to me. And eyes.

    1. I tried to make Sapphire look a little like a rebel (with mixed results), but I can take tomboyish. (She also may look like she has short hair like Ruby, but she actually has a long ponytail... Not really sure if anyone noticed that, but it's there all the same)

      Thanks! Graffiti is fun to draw <3

      You may call Sapphire whatever you like. I doubt she'd agree to being called cute names, but she doesn't have a say in the matter.
      And the other kid is suppose to be a deer. You'll find out his name when he appears in the updaated story later on!
      (And personally, I agree with you with how big I made Sapphire's head, but I had already added colour 'n such before I realized my miscalculation)

    2. Yeah, I did notice the ponytail :)

      Oh, right. You're going to start posting this week, right? May I know if it's the same schedule as FP? (And, about the disappearance of the character pages...?)

    3. Uh... Actually, I'd like to be a little prepared on both 'projects' (UV Re-write and FP) before getting back to my scheduled posts... So in other words, I doubt I'll be posting any stories this week, either...
      I'm ashamed at my unpreparedness. Not gonna lie.

      And the strange disappearance of the Pages are due to me updating everything... New Character sheets, new maps, even a new 'Back Story'! I'm revamping pretty much everything, actually.
      (All I can say is, it's about time!)

    4. Oh, no. You're VERY prepared compared to me. I even lost count of the number of weeks since my last post (so much that I decided to take my time to pay more attention to the quality of the work.) Sigh. Oh well, I guess it's fine considering how many viewers there are who are actually interested in my posts. I'd still like to complete it as fast as possible, though... as a hobby, I mean.

      I see. Can't wait to see the new character sheets :)

  2. OOOH! You changed the header! COOL!

    Ahem. Sorry, I'm just really excited right now. You see, somehow I made it to 20+ pages for this chapter part -.- The previous ones were only about 13 pages... BUT I'M ABOUT DONE. And I was just looking at the last part (the one that I'll post after I'm done with this one), and found out that I'm drawing my characters better! Which made me so happy. And motivated. Can't wait for today's post!

  3. By the way, please give me back my Sapphy! If I remember right, she had long hair that was actually visible (I understand that she still has long hair now, but if one doesn't pay attention, it doesn't stand out), and of a much lighter blue(WITH NO YELLOW PARTS!). At that time, she actually looked like a girl T_T Ruby is great, though. The Ruby in the header is better than the one in the Saturday post, to me :)

    1. If you knew who Sapphire's father was, you'd probably understand why I did Sapphire's hairstyle the way I did... But seeing as I wont touch upon that specific subject for a while, I'm afraid you'll have to live with it. (sorry. . . )

      ... Until Sapphire decides to dye her hair something else, at least. You never know, she could turn black and green later on! :)
