Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pomeranian Steampunk

Hello again. Did you come to see the weekly picture?

I've been playing around with paws lately.


  1. Yo!

    Hehe. Cute picture! I love how the eyes are done, and the overall face features are... I don't know, sweeter than what you usually draw, I guess. (Sorry, I'm in a rush now... I'll post something longer when I settle down again!)

    P.S. I posted the Anonymous comments the last time because I was doing it from my iPad and it was hard to log into my account.

  2. Hi, Apple :)

    I was wondering roughly when you might start posting again? I'm not meaning to rush you, it's just that I'd like to know about when I should start checking back regularly ^.^ Thanks!

    Oh, right. The last time, I was meaning to say that the costume was interesting and the face features were adorable. I guess the blush amplifies the cuteness :D However... the ponytail (or whatever hairstyle he/she is using... to me, it looks like a ponytail tied twice at different points) is obstructed as before. I'm thinking that it'd be better if you made it more visible, otherwise it'd look more like short hair without enough attention... It was a mistake that I made before too, but my mother pointed it out to me.

    Besides that, nice pic!

    1. If I manage to get my act together today, you should expect something either tonight or tomorrow... If not, hopefully next Tuesday or Thursday.

      As excited as I am for the 'new' UV chapters, I think I owe you guys the bad ending to Lost Ocean... It's the least I can do for your patience with me.
      And I hate it when people just leave their stories without telling the ending, so I'll try not to throw 'LO' into oblivion just yet.

      And thanks for your feedback! I personally don't like having my hair up, so I carry that out into my drawings... but I'll see if I can get some variety into my pictures! :)

  3. P.S. How about trying high ponytails, or twintails? Because it seems (to me) like you've only ever been drawing low ponytails... Just an opinion, though :)

  4. I know I don't comment much, but I still do view all your posts. But anyway, I really do think your art has improved over the past few months. I adore your art style! Oh yeah and I like Ruby and Sapphire's (and the rest of the characters; I looked at the new Character Page) new looks. :)
