Saturday, September 3, 2016


Hello again.

... Yeah, I'm sick. Don't worry though, I should be fine in a few more days, but I can't really write while my brains are on overload... 
And the insomnia I've been getting doesn't help, not to mention the hacking during the night...


  1. Oh... get better soon :) (or not, and enjoy a few more days of rest and fun!) Getting sick is... like a game to me. I almost never get sick. Well, I had a fever the last time, but I was energetic and well by the next day XD I still had a temperature, but felt perfectly normal.

    I feel like my brain is going to collapse right now, after thinking through my plot again (for the umpteenth time). I was using Cupcake as a base, but I've altered it so much it might as well be a different story. The thing is, changing an existing story is... SO COMPLICATED. My mother suggesting using a spiderweb diagram or something to plot my ideas down, because it might make it simpler... What do you think?

    Oh, by the way, sweet picture! Makes me... feel like relaxing and lazing around ^-^ It's an overall cute layout, and I think that the only problem I have with it is the length of the legs (and the leg-holder thing). I feel that they would be better... longer.

    Also, I don't think I've ever had insomnia before. But I did have a lack of sleep (up to 3 1/2 hours once, I guess... just once, since I stayed up real late.), and it feels horrible being energy-deprived the whole day. Sending wishes through the computer screen and across the ocean! (Actually, it's closer to go across the smaller seas from my place to Australia... but oh well!)

  2. Ooh, hacking? Not good.
    Feel better soon. And don't throw up!
