Thursday, September 15, 2016

B4 Ch8 Escape -part1

Please forgive me for not putting any pictures with this post. It's just that I'm really burnt out after writing this, and I can't be bothered  doing anything else with it for the time being. 
Thanks for your understanding (assuming you had any)

A few days after the Simute incident, Sapphire was wandering around Hydra's cave, trying to find something to entertain her until Silver came back. She groaned loudly enough for Hydra to hear as she propped herself against a wall.

Sapphire: Are we ready yet?

Hydra: (from another room) No. As I've just told you fifteen minutes ago, we need to wait for Barak and Silver to return before we can put our plan into motion.

Sapphire gave an exasperated sigh and started banging her head against the wall in impatience. When Silver finally came back, Hydra came out of the treasure room in relief and floated over to him.

Hydra: Is it done?

Silver: Yes. We're prepared the bait, and Barak's in position.

Sapphire abruptly looked up at Silver and blurted out...

Sapphire: Then what are we waiting for?

Hydra: Absolutely nothing.

Sapphire rubbed her hands together, and gave a slight chuckle.

Sapphire: Finally. In that case, let's pay the dear queen of Seatopia an overdue visit...


At the palace...

Oceania was doing paperwork when some of her guards came in with a report she had ordered.

Oceania: Has lady Sapphire returned from her mission yet?

Sea Guard: Not yet, queen Oceania... She now hasn't reported in for over a week.

Oceania waved her hand dismissively, and the guards gladly left the room. Neptune, who had been hiding behind a pillar, slowly made his way to his mother's side.

Neptune: Greetings, dear mother of mine.

Oceania nodded in recognition, not bothering to reply to her son. Neptune silently stared at the floor until he asked...

Neptune: Are you sure it's wise to continue trusting her?

The queen sighed and answered Neptune in a defiant tone...

Oceania: Regardless of what things may seem to everyone else, I refuse to believe that the good lady Sapphire has deserted the task I gave her. It's just taking longer, is all...

Neptune was about to retort, when they both noticed a commotion on the other side of the great doors.

Oceania: What's going on out there? Guards, go see what's wrong!

Before the soldiers could react, the doors swung violently open and in came Sapphire. Half carrying, half dragging a wooden chest behind her, she made her way towards Oceania.

Sapphire: Out of my way, you dimwitted blind sea plankton! I'm swimming here!

Oceania: What in the name of-...?

Sapphire turned her head around to grin at Oceania, and swung the heavy chest around to face the queen properly.

Sapphire: Excuse my volume, your highness, but... SPECIAL DELIVERY!

Sapphire leaned back onto her tail and kicked skillfully at the chest, which soared through the water and harmlessly landed near the queen's throne. The kangaroo looked up in triumph, and folded her arms expectantly.

Sapphire: I'm assuming this is what you ordered?

Queen Oceania nodded in approval and moved towards the treasure chest before her, with a strange glint in her eyes.

Oceania: Yes, exactly what I wanted... Thank you, lady Sapphire.

Sapphire cleared her throat, and smiled sweetly at the swordfish queen.

Sapphire: And what about my end of the deal?

Oceania looked up, slightly confused, before remembering and signaled one of the nearby guards to swim forward.

Oceania: Oh, yes... Guard, take her to the slave quarters.

A white seal stepped out of line and led Sapphire out of the room. But as they left, Neptune could've sworn he saw her look back and grim maliciously at the queen, but maybe his mind was playing tricks on him.


Sapphire followed the guard quietly enough until they reached the door leading into the slave quarters. As the seal was sorting out his keys, Sapphire tried to get some information out of him.

Sapphire: So... Where are the most recent captives that have taken residence in this prison?

Sea guard (white seal): That is private information, miss.

Sapphire: Private to whom?

Sea guard: ... Um... I don't know, the local Meerons?

Sapphire: Well, I'm not a local. I'm a specially assigned treasure hunter for the queen of Seatopia! So... Where are your newest prisoners?

The guard looked back at her hesitatingly before answering in a faulting tone.

Sea guard: Technically the newest slaves the queen has gotten are from S.A.L.T, which are kept in one of the more guarded cells further down... I think...

Sapphire: That's all I wanted to know.

As Sapphire heard the click of a door being unlocked, she lunged forward and grabbed the guard and pushed him through the door with as much force as she could. She then hastily grabbed his keys, closed the door, and started to swim off when the seal yelled out after her.

Sea guard: What are you doing?

Not looking back, she sang out another question.

Sapphire: ... What does it look like?

Sea guard: It seems like you just locked me up and are about to leave me for dead!

Sapphire: You are absolutely correct! Now, excuse me while I go rescue my friends.

Sea guard: Why?

Sapphire: Because they're my friends, you thickheaded mackerel! Friends don't leave friends to die.

Sea guard: No, I mean... Why did you attack me?

Sapphire: Well, I kinda assumed this was a trap to force me into slavery, so... yeah. Can you confirm my suspicions?

The guard remained awkwardly quiet and Sapphire shook her head. She took his silence as a yes and sighed.

Sapphire: So we were right... Whelp, 'guess that means you'll be living in here until someone finds you! Enjoy your stay!

Before the guard could say anything else, Sapphire started swimming down the passageway even faster to where she hoped she'd find Ruby and the others.


Somewhere in a cold stone cell in the palace prison, a group of frustrated Vampire sailors were imprisoned, with hardly enough room to swing a cat.  They were all grumpy, bored, and hungry, having no idea where they were, except for the fact that they were somewhere in the sea.

In that crowd was a red kangaroo, staring at the bars containing them, wishing for a better situation with preferably less water.

Ruby (red kangaroo): Sapphire, where on earth are you? We've been waiting forever for you!

A black figure behind her laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Cole (black cheetah): I'm sure she's coming to rescue us right now.

Misae (white leopard): You said the same thing yesterday. She never showed up.

Cole: Yeah, but imagine how convenient it would be if she appeared right now, seeing as the guards are out for their afternoon snack!

Misae: If that happens, I'll send a postcard to you, declaring my love and loyalty to the black prince of the Grey Islands!

Suddenly, there was a blur of blue as something dashed pasted them, obviously in a hurry. And it didn't look like a sea guard! Ruby got up quickly and tried to see what (or who) that was.

Ruby: Was that-...? Hey! Sapphire! Was that you? Get back over here!

It was indeed Sapphire, and hearing Ruby's voice, slowly backed up to the cell where Ruby, Misae and Cole were being held.

Sapphire: Heh. Fancy meeting you guys in a place like this!

Misae: Oh yeah, very funny...

Ruby: I'm assuming you've got our free tickets out of here?

Sapphire: Well, I wouldn't call 'em free...

Sapphire started to jab random keys into the keyhole, while Ruby started firing questions at her.

Ruby: What have you been doing, Sapphire? Where were you when the ship got attacked? Do you know how worried I was about you?

Sapphire: I can only imagine... Listen, I know you have your questions, but time is not on our side because we put a bomb in the chest that I gave to that stingy queen of the seas.

Ruby: WHAT?!

Sapphire: Only joking, don't worry. I was just testing to see if you were paying attention or not... But we still have to get out of here before she realizes-

A horrific screech sounded from somewhere in the palace, making Sapphire grimace.

Sapphire: -... that the present I gave her isn't exactly what she wanted.

Sapphire finally found the right key and swung the iron gate open, letting everyone inside out.

Sapphire: Put on your sea-legs, mateys, because we're in for stormy weather in about ten minutes!

Misase: Were you trying to crack a joke about the fact of how useless we are in the water?

Ruby: That doesn't matter. What I want to know is that out of all the things you could've done, this was the one you decided to do?

Sapphire: Well, yeah! We all escape, the queen gets punished, and the underwater city of Seatopia is free to do as they please, instead of living in terror from an oversized swordfish! Everyone that deserves it, wins!

Ruby: But how do we escape?

Sapphire: Don't worry, our exit will appear when we need it most. It was in our briefing.

Ruby: Briefing? WHAT BRIEFING?! Sapphire-...

Sapphire ignored Ruby and instead focused on the guards that would come rushing towards them at any minute. Sure enough, they were soon surrounded with spears pointed at their necks. Oceania could be seen storming through the crowd of soldiers, with what seemed like the rage of a tornado.

Oceania: YOU.

Sapphire: Who?

Oceania pushed through to the front and pointed an accusing finger at Sapphire, who grinned back.

Oceania: You tricked me, you foul sea witch of a half-blooded sea snake!

Sapphire: Yup.

Oceania: Why would you do such a thing to me, the true queen of the ocean?

Sapphire pretended to think for a bit before replying.

Sapphire: Well, let me see... I did it because I thought you deserved it.

The queen gave Sapphire an icy glare, before bearing a small smile.

Oceania: Guards, take them all to a the prison towers. They can all rot there until I decide what to do with them.

Many sea creatures came forward to take them away, when Sapphire held up both hands for them all to stop.

Sapphire: Wait! Before you do any of that kinda thing, can I just say one thing?

Oceania: You may, but it's not going to-


Sapphire covered her ears and dived to the cold floor, while Ruby and the others just stared blankly at her. After ten seconds of nothing, she looked up towards the ceiling in annoyance.

Sapphire: Oh, come on! What the heck is taking Barak so lo-