Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fraener's Past #2 Life of the exiled Page1


And so the Dragon madness returns! *Insert cheering and confetti throwing here* Hooray and stuff!

Ok, time to get some things straight (assuming you read the extra stuff)

1. This comic takes place about five years after the fight with Wayra

2. You'll be able to tell gender by the eyes, same as last time - girls have whites in their eyes, while boys don't

And in case anybody is wondering when to check my blog for posts, my update schedule will (theorectically) look like this :

Tuesday - Fraener's Past
Thursday - Undercover Vamparoo post
Saturday - Random picture

Everybody got that? Good. Then let the chaos begin!


  1. (Why do I like this little comic thing so much, especially when Fraener captures the bird? Wha--) Alrighty coolio.

  2. So I guess that fish is a girl. Good to know.
