Saturday, September 17, 2016


Hello. Today, I decided to see if I could draw without using any outlines in this picture.

... I would consider this peaceful if not for the fact that the girl is crying. Although, I am proud of the dress! The eyes look soulless, though... Oh well.


  1. Hi.

    Umm... may you mind if I am a little honest with this?

    1. No comment about the outlines.

    2. Please draw eyes the way you used to. Softer way of saying: They looked much better, with life and shine. Harsher way of saying: To me, they looked much more like eyes.

    3. The hands lack detail. Maybe it's because of the lack of outlines... To me, the arms are also at a rather... unnatural angle. Please add an elbow.

    4. The whole of the background is faded out. I like how focus is lost on the far back of the picture, but... I think that it'll be better if more focus is placed on the nearer side, rather than just the character herself.

    5. The shading is nice, but it doesn't stand out without outlines, especially with the dress (the creases and all).

    Sorry for leaving such an... unkind comment. I didn't really know how else to say it... But, umm, please draw the way you used to. I like it much better that way.

    1. That's ok! Feedback is helpful, no matter how painful. This was just an experiment, so I'll return to my usual style next week.

      I thank you for your honesty. :)
