Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Waterfall Tavern

Hello! Do you like going out to eat in fancy restaurants? Or going out in general? Maybe you'd like to visit this place, then!

A sorta tavern in a kinda cave with it's own waterfalls! Yeah, I'd definitely pay money to eat at a place like that.

... Now, I'd like to mention that I'm now mostly better, so I'll try to post something story-ie in the next few days. Although you guys will probably be disappointed, so don't expect anything at all just to be on the safe side.
(I'm seriously enjoying my break from writing way to much, and that scares me)

 Hmm.. Unless I manage to catch another illness, or my brain decides to have a writers block, I'll have no excuse for lack of posts relating to UV.
... laziness is another option, but I hope that wont be the case.


  1. Yay! Welcome back to the story-writing world, Apple. It's been long. *feels invisible mustache like some kind of businessman*

    ...And no, going out is definitely not my thing. Let alone eating out. Besides shopping for weekly groceries with my mum, I barely ever go out. I really can live the rest of my life as a shut-in... and I certainly don't mind. There's everything that one could possibly need in this small enclosure we call home. Also, UNLESS we're bringing anyone out for a meal (my grandmother, to be exact) I find it... you know, embarrassing to eat outside. I don't know why, but I do get embarrassed easily.

    As for the picture, the head looks kinda tall (or is it intended to be that way?) and the face... kind of flat. I think that it might be better if the nose was placed a little further to (my) left. I was hoping that you'd show us what he was eating, too ^-^ I would love to just look at it, even if I couldn't reach into the computer and eat it. Food is my entertainment.

    It's okay to be lazy. It's an ultimately dangerous illness that hits everyone. Just don't get too affected by it, and you'll be fine.

    1. I agree. Staying at home is nice, but going out every now and then isn't so bad either! The only problem I have with eating at public places is the fact that I 'need' to look decent... (I prefer looking like a wild animal in street cloths. It's easier.)

      Thanks for the critique, as always :)

      I feel terrible when I don't post something on time... or at all, in this case... I hope I can provide you the small entertainment I keep promising to give you soon!
