Saturday, September 24, 2016

Undercover Vamparoo's Anniversary #2

Wow. I've been doing this for two years now. Who'da thunk?

... Yeah. I got nothing cool to say. So I hope we continue this mad adventure of Vampire animals for another spectacular year!

Fang: What about me?

Hold your horses, Fraener. They'll know your life-story soon enough, so enjoy your days of secrecy while it lasts; and trust that they wont tell Ruby and the gang... Unless, of course, you don't want to go back to your friends and family.

Fang: ... Curse you.

That's the price of being one of my favorite characters in my entire Wacky World, mate. Deal with it.


  1. Aaaahh, Happy 2nd Anniversary, Undercover Vamparoo! Gosh, I keep on thinking your art has improved so much. Haha, I remember drawing a UV drawing for the first anniversary. Geez, when I look at my drawing of it.. it was so bad, wow.

    Well anyway, I'll be awaiting the next story arc or the remake of the original UV story (whichever one you decide to work on first).

    About the last arc and Midnight, I thought Midnight was moved to another prison cell away from Ruby, Cole, and Misae (is that the white cheetah's name?) and that was why he wasn't with them during the end of the arc. But yeah, I wonder what Midnight's up to now too.

    1. All in the perspective of the user, my friend. Your 'bad drawing' might look like a masterpiece to an eight year old kid! (ridiculous, but true)

      (Yes, Misae was her name)

      And yeah, he was. But as I might've mention, I forgot that he was moved to a different location when I was writing the last chapter of LO, so... yeah... We'll pretend that he managed to escape his prison and into the boat before they took off, via help of a little red spider! ;)

    2. Ha, well, I guess so. Ah nice, I guessed the correct name. Ohh, so that means the next arc won't be the gang trying to rescue Midnight this time I'm guessing. Haha, it'll be his (and Fang's) secret then. Cool. :)

  2. Congratulations Applestorm!
    I've enjoyed every post. And your pictures are awesome...
