Saturday, August 20, 2016

Fang with fly plush

... I have nothing interesting to say, besides the fact that I've been making progress with updating the blog a bit! The Characters page should be out soon, so if you have time, you can drop in and look upon the disasters I call art.

... I thought Fang deserved a toy.


  1. Hmm... It's kinda plainer than usual, and there is no shading present on the character... But I think it's going to be a cute picture if... I dunno, a little more work was put into the eyes? The legs look pretty thick for a spider, too... And about the fly plush... No comment from someone who is afraid of insects. And prefers fluffy adorable dolls like sheep plush (I don't mind teddy bears either! But in real life, I don't really have that much dolls to talk about. My parents like practical stuff, and as a result, so do I.).

    And dear Sapphy, dyeing is bad for your hair. Hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals that will sting and irritate your skin (Just what I learnt in my chemistry lesson.) And it's embarrassing as such bright colours like yellow really stand out. For your own good, please stop ASAP.

    1. Hehe. Yeah, I'll admit this was done in a hurry, and I didn't really feel like doing shadows that day. (And I understand your Entomophobia, for I am also afraid of certain insects...)

      Also, your concern has been noted, Twinkle.

  2. Why do you make me want to hug a spider? Curses the cute spider for his hugableness.
