Saturday, August 6, 2016

Life is seemingly unfair sometimes

Welcucumberlumcum! ... Sorry, I've been playing Fantasy Life lately...
Um... Direct your eyes to the picture below, and forget about the weird entrance I made you read!

Meet Ollie, a rabbit dude who looks like he got spewed out of a chocolate factory and then got dumped into a strawberry lake. Nothing wrong with that, but if you read his dialog then you've probably figured it out that he hates his appearance (Although Ruby finds it amusing).

In the re-write I'm planning for UV, Ollie plays a fairly important friend-role in Ruby's adventure. (Unlike Buttercup and Manic, much to my disappointment...)

And before I forget for a second time, I need to let you guys know that I won't be able to post anything (except pictures) for another week or so because Family Duty Calls... again.
What is it this time? Well, I'm going down to my Grandparent's to celebrate a late birthday, and maybe visit some cousins while we're at it.

Don't worry, you'll live without my oh-so fascinating stories of Vampires who are allergic to cinnamon and adventures with seemingly dumb spiders for a bit.
(I know I can, and shall)


  1. YES, a Saturday post. I knew that you never missed Saturday posts :D (By the way, is it just me, or does Ruby look kinda like a boy in this picture? Maybe it's because of her hairstyle, plus the shape of the eyes... and her overall outfit.)

    Oh, right. I was wondering if you were going to continue UV in comic style or a plushie comic setting?

    And listen to this. I completed less than a page of my manga in a whole week. Yeah, well... in the daytime I'm just doing homework, and at night I just have about 2 hours... but it's still a ridiculously tardy progress. I can't believe myself.

    Plus one last thing: Is it alright if I tried drawing Ruby and Sapphire some time, the way I imagine them? I've been thinking of trying that for a while now. Thanks, and have fun with your family :) (P.S. May I be nosy and ask whose birthday it is?)

    1. No, It's not just you. I kinda wanted to give Ruby a 'tomboy' feel, because I've obviously failed to show that from the very beginning of this blog...

      For normal UV posts, it's going to be Plush style (because as fun as the comic way is, it takes longer, and I'm pretty sure you guys don't want to wait for three weeks or more for one page)

      Heh... I get the whole 'hardly getting anything done' thing. I've been doing that for three weeks now for some reason... I should feel a little frustrated, but I strangely don't.

      Why of course you can draw Ruby and Sapphire! It would be interesting to see them in another persons perspective, and I usually have the urge to draw other peoples characters as well in my sight... (And permission to be nosy is granted - The birthday user is my grandma, even if it's a month or so late)

    2. I see... Yeah, posting in comic style really does take a long time >.< But I don't think it makes much difference from the Plush style, it used to take me all day... making the graphics alone made my eyes go all swirly.

      And I'm glad that I'm not the only one not getting frustrated over hardly getting anything done! But that leads to another frustration... over not being frustrated.

      Thanks for the permission to draw Ruby and Sapphy and to be nosy. I guess I'll get started on them after I finish my current chapter... it's only got a few pages left. I'll post them on my blog after I finish them :) (Happy birthday to Apple's Grandma! Send my wishes to her ^-^)
