Saturday, February 3, 2018

Reginald Steel, Scottish Prince, Dramatic Romantic

Hello! So, um... this is technically UV related, it's just... um... Okay. Just let me try to explain. 
(Bear with me, guys, I'm trying)

Reginald (wolf) is a character we accidentally came up about a week ago while we were discussing stuff about Midnight's royal life. (Cuz he's a prince, remember? Yeah. We're bringing that back.)

From what we've decided so far, he's basically the youngest son of a former Scottish king (his eldest brother now rules), hired babysitter to Midnight (to put it bluntly), writes awful poetry and songs about supposed 'romances' he's had  (and by romances, we mean passed on the street without evening having eye-contact. Literally, he doesn't even talk to them!) and dances with a giant sword.

... He's also the only one in his family (besides the grandparents) that wears a kilt. So, we've now got 2 guys that wear skirts in the story!

*AHEM* Anyway! Here's what he roughly looks like!

[Yeah, I know he looks like a schoolgirl. No, that was not intentional, but I'll take it. He looks hot.]

Kinda surprised it came out as well as it did, considering I'm sick at the moment. Might do more art of him if I have the inspiration, but don't hold your breath. Brain still doesn't like the idea of me trying to draw my characters again yet... *shrugs hopelessly* 


  1. Whew, I haven't commented in a while.

    I almost forgot about Midnight. He was one of my favorite characters of yours back in the day (either him or Ruby). Wait, he's royalty?! Geez, I must have forgotten all that.
    I already love this Reginald character! Thinks he's smooth and romantic but actually is awkward and staring, aww that's cute haha. The boy in the kilt looks very fashionable. He looks great, ahh-!

    1. Yeah, that about sums it up. He doesn't even get sad or whiny when the girls reject him; actually, he kinda wants them to refuse him! Gives him more 'brooding material' for staring out into the sea on a high clifftop, being all dramatic and dark!

      *Pfft* Our fashionable highland wolf-boy~ Glad you like him! :)
