Saturday, February 24, 2018

Three holes in the ground

Hello, guys! Guess who was ridiculously productive this week? Yup! Drew a whole bunch of UV stuff (mostly Harland, looking back at it now), so might end up posting a sketch dump sometime in the near future if I can be bothered organizing it~

But enough about that... Here, something I'll probably cringe at in a few years, but for now is pretty much my favorite picture of the month! :)

*BTW the words on the shirt say "Shut up; I'm NOT 'almost there'". For those who were interested.*
Gotta say, really proud on how the pose came out in this one. Colours weren't too bad either, considering I changed the colour scheme right in the middle of making it.
*note to self, do this more often*


  1. I like everything about this picture! Especially the eyes...

  2. Basically what Anon said, haha. ^^ :')
    I really like how you put words on the guy's shirt, and how the light on top decreases into darkness at the bottom. Yeah, and the eyes look bright and gorgeous. Looks very cool.
