Saturday, September 29, 2018


Hi, guys.

Once again I spend like an hour trying to remember how the heck to draw fire.
Ah well.
At least it looks epic. 
In a weird... redish, sorta way...

Monday, September 24, 2018

UV's 4th Anniversary

HEY! Quick question...
How many of you guys remember Ruby, Sapphire, and Midnight looking like THIS?

WOW these designs are old... I mean, jus' look at Ruby's hair! I completely forgot it was longer back then!
And Sapphire; back when she had a white streak (instead of yellow), and had that weird golden bracelet thing on her tail. 
Not to mention Midnight with his ninja-black hoodie!
Seriously, as much as I like black hoodies it was near IMPOSSIBLE for me to see him in that thing!
(There was a reason I changed it to green)

But it's kinda cool to see them this way. Back in the days when they were young; just a couple of fun kids I had in my minds' eye, and just waiting to be unleashed!

Now lookit' them. Ruby's got herself an awesome penguin husband and became Europe's #1 witch. Sapphire's got a good Army life, training would-be soldiers how to become literal one-men armies...
And Midnight. OOOH, Midnight... 
You became the king of a small forgettable town, and made it GREAT. You adopted a whole buncha needy kids (because HELL if you were going to get married) and welcomed thousands of weird and wonderful creatures to your kingdom with open arms.
You've got almost a 3rd of the nations' firepower in your basement, up your attic, and scattered all around the gardens and various rooms of your castle.
And somehow ended up becoming chummy with the world's most important king.

I've become severely emotionally attached to you, Midnight boy.
Cheers to another year of all you guys' doing stuff!
And thanks to anyone who's stuck with us for as long as you have -
You're awesome!
Now, if only I actually wrote any of this down...

Saturday, September 22, 2018


 This is literally the only thing I drew this week..

... I have nothing else to say.
Have a nice day.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

September Flues

Hey, you all! Guess what?
I'm sick!

... OKAY so I'm not dreadfully sick. (It's barely a 1 on a 10 meter scale)
 But y'know how my brain acts up whenever I have a stupid flu or whatever and it just REFUSES to be productive? Yeah.
It's doing that.

So I had to accept whatever sketch I could cough up this week and outline it, colour it, and add a sparkly kinda background to it before I truly died, but you know what?
I don't think it came out too bad!
... Sorta?
... Sorta. 

ANYWAY here's the thing.

Yeeeah, I'm taking the next day or so off cuz I'm SICK of feeling perfectly FINE while having my brain act like it's the end of the world or whatever over this tiny flu!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Winter Sapphire

 Hi guys! Had a good week? Well, mine was mostly filled with newspapers, printing machines, and various periodic elements... Not a bad thing, but I'm gonna need a week to get over my week of weekiness and... weekness. And stuff.

ANYWAY! Have a little reminiscent Sapphire picture!

Speaking of my week, it turns out one of my many weaknesses is always drawing something face on, and occasionally sideways.
Decided to fix that by dedicating a few days to drawing some of my characters from behind.

So much frustration... but I think It's paying off! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Flower Gal

Allo, chaps!
Just a little something I whipped up this afternoon in celebration of spring and the months of endless warmth and hotness we're all about to be subjected to and stuff.
As a polar bear I don't think I'm prepared for this. But as a human I've already accepted the inevitable and am going to enjoy the remaining cool[er] nights I've got left for the year, and possibly appreciate the fact that we've still got functioning air conditioning.
Gotta count you're blessings after all! <3

 ANYWAY here's the picture! :)

Been experimenting with pen and canvas sizes lately... Especially SUPER small outline pens, and slightly larger canvases.
Overall I don't think much has changed, but at least I could draw the flower crown with relative ease.
Can't usually do that without erasing a whole ton of lines, so that was interesting. :)