Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pep Talk (Sketch Comic)

Not much tonight, guys. Ended up taking a break from any serious drawing this week. Focused mostly on my mental and emotional health. I'm a little more stable now, I've got a lot of ground to cover.

Did sketch this out yesterday, though. Self-indulgent, but therapeutic.

Been playing around with the Inside Out concept a lot lately. Trying to use it as a means to explore my Anxiety and ADD brain, as well as some other things.
Mostly stuff I've only recently been allowing myself to acknowledge or accept.

With any luck these guys will help me sort some confusing brain nonsense. Or at least all my suppressed emotions... *thumbs up*

Eyes refuse to focus. I'mma leave now.
Bye-bye! Enjoy your little scruffy Disgust and ever-worried Fear. :)

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