Saturday, June 20, 2020

Rooftop Run

Hello, there!
Got another UV picture this evening. :)

Midnight with the Castle Trio - Flavio the cockatoo, Rex the Kitsune, and Mouse (technically Maisie, but nobody calls her that) the mouse/polar-bear hybrid.

Flavio was found on Midnight's doorstep one late spring morning with a rather awful note from his parents stating that if Midnight wouldn't take care of him they'd just... do a lot of awful things and abandon Flavio somewhere else, because they didn't want him. 
Midnight wasn't comfortable with the idea of looking after a 2 year old child, but he definitely didn't want to leave him out in the world with an even worse future. So he took him in.

Not even two days later Midnight was asking Ruby for parenting advice.
Years later Flavio gets officially adopted (with some encouragement from Midnight's parents), and is now first in line for the throne. 

Half a decade later, Rex becomes part of castle life! No one knows when or where he came from; Ruby just noticed there was one more kid than normal running around in the garden one afternoon, and asked Midnight when they decided to take in another kid. Midnight almost fell out of the window craning his neck trying to see who Ruby meant... then admitted he assumed Rex was one of the local church orphanage children. Ruby didn't agree.

One interrogation later, and Rex admits he's been hanging out in the castle for months, but didn't want any of the grown ups to know he was here...
And long story short, Flavio gets a new brother!
They annoy and prank each other a lot, and like trying to traumatize each other. (Flavio with his mind-controlling ability, and Rex with his illusion magic...)
When they're older they actually become a pretty good team.
Well, they can keep the castle budget together, so it's something...
Now Mouse... actually isn't one of Midnight's children. She just lives with him for the school term, and goes back to her parents for the holidays. But she's still a big part of the castle...

She's the straight-man to all Flavio and Rex's shenanigans, but she can keep them in line when she wants to.

I'd say more, but I'm getting tired now. Don't feel like typing anymore.
I'll call it a day and get something to eat now.


  1. Look at them go! They’re running on a rooftop! Go, go, go!

    I like the dynamic poses and the random shirt (?) floating in the background. :’D

    *cheers Midnight on for adopting children* ily dude XD

    1. Go go go book it go GO-

      Thank you! And the random shirts chilling in the background is supposed to be the washing. But because I made so many overlays and adjustments it's almost invisible in the final product.
      But if we pretend it's see-through twine, I think we can get away with it... Midnight is certainly cheap enough to try hanging out heavy wet washing 10 feet up with nothing but some thin twine for support. (A disaster just waiting to happen XD)
