Saturday, August 8, 2020

Colorful Memories (Redraw)

 Well. Had a pretty bad drawing day on Monday, so I thought it would be a great idea to try and redraw an old picture from the files.

Despite being a sketch (as opposed to a fully rendered drawing like the original) I can tell I've improved a little bit since then. How about you? :)

August 3, 2020

 November 5(?), 2016

 I also seemed to have given the red dude more clothes since last time. Although I neglected to give him shoes...
He went out into his fancy garden in his socks. Hm.

Next time I redraw this picture he'll probably be out in complete fancy dress; shoes included!
But that wont be for a few more years, I bet...

Anyway! I had fun with this.
Definitely broke the art block, in any case.

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