Saturday, August 15, 2020

Picnic Lunch!

Hello, again! It's been getting warmer for me lately. Winter's (loose) grip is slipping away again. As it does so quickly in Australia...
But maybe I can enjoy a few more odd nights of not sweating under a thin quilt. Fingers crossed. :)

Anyway! All that I wish to tell you guys about my week is that I had a very productive Thursday drawing (about 8 hours in total) and I'm very excited about the current project I'm working on!

I fear if I say anything more than that, though, I could be liable to become super anxious and stressed because then people would have EXPECTATIONS of me actually finishing and showing it to them. And I don't want that.
I really don't want that. 

So I'll show you something related but also completely unrelated at the same time! :)

 Humanized versions of two of our Animal Crossing (New Horizons) villagers! Frita the Ram and Walker the dog.

I've been drawing them a lot lately. It's almost been like therapy, because I see them and chat to them so much in-game.
It's been nice.

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