Saturday, September 5, 2020

Firework Show

Ah, September's here. That means no more Winter; only Summer from here on out.

One morning it was cold enough to get half-buried under the covers, and the next it's too hot for a quilt and we almost had to turn on the air conditioner.
*Swings arm out* That's Australia, folks!

 (From left to right; Paula, Peggy, Buzz, Zell, and Savannah)

Took about three days to complete this - the first day (or night, more accurately) was the sketch and 'better sketch' (yeah, I didn't bother line-arting this. I knew it wasn't going to be worth it in the long run...). Day 2 was the flat colours and patterns, and then day three background, shading, and special effects.

It was only meant to be a small picture, but I guess I kept adding characters. Like you do.
It amuses me how short Zell is in comparison to like... literally everyone else, though. It's cute.

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