Thursday, September 24, 2020

UV's 6th Anninersary

Whelp. After a busy day doing comic stuff, and about an hour trying to finish this piece before it ticked over to the 25th, I think it's time I celebrated my blog's birthday. How 'bout you?

Heh. It's kinda weird how I've been posting on this blog for 6 years, though. My cute shenanigan stories about an Anthropomorphic Vampire kangaroo and her various friends and relatives has turned into quite the adventure since then!

And despite my typical radio-silence about the subject, I'm still deeply passionate about the world of Undercover Vamparoo. Very much so.

It's a top priority in terms of me wanting to make it a graphic novel series or something, but I realize in order for me to make it a reality, I need a lot of self-training and discipline. And courage.
That last one will be the hardest to overcome, but I have time to work that out.

But I'm tired now. I think I'll go read for a bit and let this day end...
For those of you who (for some reason) are still here, or just the odd person who likes checking up on my blog every blue moon *raises cup* cheers. I bid you all goodnight! *drinks fruit-juice*

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