Saturday, September 12, 2020


*Cracks knuckles and pulls out massive picture from behind curtains*

(*Sigh* Seriously, though. It's been a while since I've drawn something properly outlined and shaded. Not the full-ham work I probably could've done, though, but this is fine.)

Just some of the dudes from my space-adventure world; Rask (big black dude), Bur (small fuzzy one), Sabassa (lizard man), and Hamish (actual man).
(And Ghost, but of course you can't see him because he's inside Hamish's brain. Soo... Does he count?)
(Eh, I'm counting him. Ghost is important.)

Drawing all that flying paper was a mixture between too much fun and having no clue what I was doing. But I think it turned out alright in the end.
Sabassa desperately trying to save some important documents was a must. Hamish's art stuff, while not exactly relevant, was also a must for me. Because.. Well, I love a good boy who draws stuff. :)

I was planning to draw some sort of futuristic weapon for Rask, but I realized that would mean I'd have to draw it. And I was not about to do that. And Bur is still an unexplored character (in terms of personalized items and junk), so I left him alone as well.

I guess the picture was crowded enough as it was, so it's probably just as well.

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