Saturday, October 31, 2020

Passing Through (Y Nuzlocke Challenge)

 Yeah, I really need to start preparing these posts ahead of time during the summer months... I mean, I literally had no choice this time, because I decided I should stop being so stubborn and actually take a break from drawing this week (as apposed to stop drawing-WORK... apparently there isn't a difference when you've got art block. *sigh*) so yeah. Probably gonna bail early. Because it's already past 7:30. And I have Cousin-Duties to perform.

I actually really wanted to talk about the new Pokemon Nuzlocke challenge I've been doing this week, but I can easily do that next week. When I'm a bit more organized.
Maybe more than two Pokemon will die before then. Give me something real depressing to talk about.
*places hand on chest* You will be sorely missed, River and Richard...

 I'm loving the story that's going on in my head with these guys, though. It's been a nice distraction from being stressed about not working.
And it's been like, almost 5 years since I've lasted played through XY. That too.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Fruitloop with his Cat

Hm. Just as the week when I was planning to do some serious drawing rolls in, I got myself a classical case of artblock.

*Huff* Well, I SUPPOSE it has been a while since that's happened... But it's still annoying.
Been trying to take advantage(?) of it though, by drawing a buncha things I don't normally draw. Such as robots.

The frustration is real, but at least it's in my control. As apposed to out of my control, in which case I would be more depressed, and possibly more stressed (if that's even possible).

But my brain cooperated long enough so I could draw this for my weekly Saturday Night Post, so that's pretty cool.
Haven't been able to draw anything else since then, but that's to be expected.

And in other news, my early Christmas spirit has surfaced again. Dunno what I'm gonna do with it, but I am enjoying the vibes I'm feeling in my own personal atmosphere.
Yes, I'm aware Halloween hasn't happened yet.
*Turns on some rock-n-roll Holiday tunes and continues to enjoy myself*

See all you guys next week! Hopefully things will improve by then. Both for me and for you lot. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Tropical Break on the Amphur Resort

HI! I was meaning to try and draw something else before tonight, but I guess I'm posting this instead. Not that it's a bad picture. It's a very nice picture. One I'm quite proud of. But I wanted to be extra and make something different. Like you do.

Anyway, here it is. Hamish the Human and Rask the big ol' alien dragon thing.


I'd stick around and talk, but I'm going to be late for my weekly gaming session with my cousins if I do. And by late, I mean they'll call early and I'll panic and drop everything because I'm unorganized.
I should probably just start preparing these posts the night before, shouldn't I?
But why would I do a thing like that, anyway? *pfft* Ridiculous. X)

Anyway. Ta-ta, then! *swiftly exits the building in grand style*

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Airport Adventure (I.I.)

Uh.. I have a little something more from my space world.
Took three painstaking days to complete it (again), but I've finally done it!

Sure, it's not what I wanted it to look like, but I'm still proud with what I've done with it. *shrug* Art be like that sometimes. :)


Drew a few more of the crew this time. Aside from the four we saw from last time (OVER HERE), we also have Olivia (other human), Merc (white fuzz-bucket), Thorp (angry brown fuzz-bucket), and... that other worried black-clad dude.
Haven't settled on a permanent name for him yet. Working on it, though, don't worry.
I want it to start with an M. Kinda like Marcus, but more... alien sounding.

*HUFF* That background, tho!
I originally wanted them to be inside a kinda space-port, with lots of spaceships and cargo everywhere, but I guess they're at the entrance to an international airport now. Because I had no idea how to draw what was in my mind...
But this works too... basically the same kettle of fish, anyway. 

Drawing the background aliens was kinda fun. A little time consuming, sure, but not as much as I was expecting.
Just kinda... made them up on the spot, without putting much thought into them. Generic, sure, but they served their purpose.

Anyway. It's past 8pm now, and I need to get some dinner.
See ya all next week!
Hope you survive until then.
*thumbs up*

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Reginald + Castle Trio

My third unintentional UV post within two weeks, huh?
Alrighty, then. I'm not one to complain about a thing like that...

Have some fuzzy brats with uncle Reginald, folks! :)

 Since I'm a little pressed for time, I'm not gonna say anything cool or go into detail about these characters. This was just a neat age exercise with the Castle Trio. And Reginald to some degree...

*Salutes myself out*
Hope you do alright next week!