Saturday, October 17, 2020

Tropical Break on the Amphur Resort

HI! I was meaning to try and draw something else before tonight, but I guess I'm posting this instead. Not that it's a bad picture. It's a very nice picture. One I'm quite proud of. But I wanted to be extra and make something different. Like you do.

Anyway, here it is. Hamish the Human and Rask the big ol' alien dragon thing.


I'd stick around and talk, but I'm going to be late for my weekly gaming session with my cousins if I do. And by late, I mean they'll call early and I'll panic and drop everything because I'm unorganized.
I should probably just start preparing these posts the night before, shouldn't I?
But why would I do a thing like that, anyway? *pfft* Ridiculous. X)

Anyway. Ta-ta, then! *swiftly exits the building in grand style*

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