Saturday, October 10, 2020

Airport Adventure (I.I.)

Uh.. I have a little something more from my space world.
Took three painstaking days to complete it (again), but I've finally done it!

Sure, it's not what I wanted it to look like, but I'm still proud with what I've done with it. *shrug* Art be like that sometimes. :)


Drew a few more of the crew this time. Aside from the four we saw from last time (OVER HERE), we also have Olivia (other human), Merc (white fuzz-bucket), Thorp (angry brown fuzz-bucket), and... that other worried black-clad dude.
Haven't settled on a permanent name for him yet. Working on it, though, don't worry.
I want it to start with an M. Kinda like Marcus, but more... alien sounding.

*HUFF* That background, tho!
I originally wanted them to be inside a kinda space-port, with lots of spaceships and cargo everywhere, but I guess they're at the entrance to an international airport now. Because I had no idea how to draw what was in my mind...
But this works too... basically the same kettle of fish, anyway. 

Drawing the background aliens was kinda fun. A little time consuming, sure, but not as much as I was expecting.
Just kinda... made them up on the spot, without putting much thought into them. Generic, sure, but they served their purpose.

Anyway. It's past 8pm now, and I need to get some dinner.
See ya all next week!
Hope you survive until then.
*thumbs up*

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