Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Fruitloop with his Cat

Hm. Just as the week when I was planning to do some serious drawing rolls in, I got myself a classical case of artblock.

*Huff* Well, I SUPPOSE it has been a while since that's happened... But it's still annoying.
Been trying to take advantage(?) of it though, by drawing a buncha things I don't normally draw. Such as robots.

The frustration is real, but at least it's in my control. As apposed to out of my control, in which case I would be more depressed, and possibly more stressed (if that's even possible).

But my brain cooperated long enough so I could draw this for my weekly Saturday Night Post, so that's pretty cool.
Haven't been able to draw anything else since then, but that's to be expected.

And in other news, my early Christmas spirit has surfaced again. Dunno what I'm gonna do with it, but I am enjoying the vibes I'm feeling in my own personal atmosphere.
Yes, I'm aware Halloween hasn't happened yet.
*Turns on some rock-n-roll Holiday tunes and continues to enjoy myself*

See all you guys next week! Hopefully things will improve by then. Both for me and for you lot. :)

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