Saturday, May 22, 2021

Purity (Concept Sketch)

Every time I think I'm done with my Inside Out Oc's, they all go "No your not, and here's why" and then I proceed to spent the next few days drawing them.
That's fine. They've helped me out a lot, and if I love the idiots in my brain then I love myself too. Win-win situation.
But I think this time it's going to last a bit longer than a few days...

Because I have a new comic project dedicated to one of them now.

Well. I suppose self-indulgent fan-comics are a good way to experiment and test your limits. So I'm not that upset about this.
(It's definitely ONE way to spend the next three months of your life, anyway!)

This new comic-project was inspired by... well, me thinking deeply about nothing in particular while on holidays, and then having a light-bulb moment at something that I didn't realize sooner.
Long story short, I found one of my Core Memories. One that I've had since I was 7-8. And now I'm going to use that to... explore (for lack of a better term) how that works in a world that does the opposite.

It's weird being on the other side of the glass and becoming more aware of who you are as a person... Those lil' people inside my head are probably growing very uncomfortable with this development. But the improved work conditions and team-building exercises probably outweigh any real complaints they might have.
If nothing else, it's been fun trying to reverse-engineer my personality and figure out who's doing what at the controls. Very useful if Sadness or Anger want to say something. A bit trickier if it's Disgust or Fear...

Anyway. I doubt I'll do anything else than draw thumbnails and nitpick my script over the next few weeks.. But I'll do my best to draw something for this blog anyway!
Can't guaranteed it wont be Inside Out related tho...

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