Saturday, May 15, 2021

Special Delivery

OKAY why not make this a 3 for 3? Three detailed pictures in three weeks!
I'm down with that.


I took part in a monthly art challenge which focused on creating good character designs, and how to present them. Might have cut a few corners, but considering how stressed I was about participating at all, it's like... eh. I'll forgive myself for that.

The fact that I saw this through to the end is achievement enough.

Anyway! The idea was to learn how to collect references, consider the nature and roll of our character, and thus put whatever was in our heads onto paper better than just simply saying 1-2-3-go and accepting whatever we came up with first.

Lemme tell you. When I first drew this guy in 2020, I was not satisfied. Like. It wasn't bad. But I knew I could do better, but didn't know how.
Now I do. And I'm much happier with the results.

This steampunk mailman was a concept I made purely for the aesthetic, so I never took it further than "Oh, he accidentally helps kick-start a revolution by delivering letters reliably and quickly."
Admittedly, I still haven't gotten further than that, but I now have a decent design that I can use whenever I do decide to expand on his universe... so it's cool.

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