Saturday, September 10, 2022

Cottagecore Showers

 Evenin' one and all! Another week passes by into obscurity and memory, and I am okay with this. Despite the stresses and little annoyances I've had to suffer this week, it hasn't left any lasting impression on me this Saturday, so I feel... not content, but that odd mixture between relief, tiredness and gladness that everything is over and can begin anew tomorrow. Hopefully with more enthusiasm XD

Anyway. I've been thinking of one of my little stories again- one of the ones that still hasn't got a name or any real plot, but the vibes have been soothing me when I'm kept awake with insomnia or just want something nice to think about. And rain. That bright, intense kind of rain that makes everything inside seem dark in comparison, even when it's still the middle of the afternoon. And I guess I got inspired after I had finished some figure drawings this week.

I literally kept the loose and messy sketch and added all the color and lighting I wanted until it almost looks like I've made a really nice picture. Not perfect, obviously, but I'm happy with what I've created and I hope I can do something like this again soon.

Anyway! I hope you guys are having a nice weekend, and I wish you all the best for you trails and joys to come in the following days. *finger salute* See ya again next week! <3


  1. I like how you drew the rainy window! The rest of the art looked different to me but couldn’t put my finger on why until you explained it’s a messy colored sketch style. I still think it looks cute. :)

    (I hope my new blog url is available on my blogger profile lol)

    1. Thank ya! <3 Rainy windows is an aesthetic that makes my soul very happy, and I'm glad my attempt to draw it looks good! <333 Haha yeah XD I find most people don't notice if I color a 'bad sketch' because color hides a multitude of unfinished and lazy sins, and I figured "ay! I don't feel like cleaning up this sketch, so I wont!" XD
      Seriously though, ta mate! <3

      (Yuep! The new url works perfectly! <3 Haha, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but the thought of socializing was literally killing me earlier this week and I didn't have the spoons to tell ya. But it's good, and congrats on all the improvements and updates for your blog! <3)

    2. Of course!! <3 <3

      (Totally valid. I started wondering where you went a few days ago but didn’t feel like saying anything since I also can take a while to reply to comments (which has happened a big number of times lol), especially when I’m low on energy or spoons. I get it. :’) Thanks so much!)
